Blogging about Royal TS/X, Royal Server and Royal Passwords

In a couple of weeks (November 1-3) we will be presenting Royal TS, Royal TSX and maybe some brand new exciting stuff at the E2EVC (Experts 2 Experts Virtualization Conference) in Rome, Italy.

E2EVC (also known as Pu...

This blog post is dedicated to clear some myths and confusion around password protection and encryption of Royal TS/X documents (.rtsx files).

As many of you already know, Royal TS/X allows you to password protect docu...

We’re happy to announce a major milestone in the history of remote management tools. After almost a year of Royal TSX beta testing and more than 6 months of Royal TS 2.2 development, we are finally ready to release Ro...

Version of Royal TSX brings some exciting new features! (and of course also fixes some bugs)
Here are some of them explained in a little more detail than the release notes offer.

Revamped Plugin Management


OS X Users, here’s another update to Royal TSX!

Royal TSX enables support for VNC & Apple Remote Desktop Plugins and the first plugin (Chicken VNC) is already out.

Besides VNC support, this release contains...

It’s update time again, OS X users!

This update brings the following new features:

  • CoRD import: By going to File | Import | CoRD Saved Servers you can now import your saved servers from CoRD into a new documen...

Watch out OS X users, Royal TSX V0.5.5.1 is out and brings a new key feature and several improvements to the FreeRDP & iTerm Terminal Plugins!

Command Tasks

We’re proud to announce that, with Version, Royal...